Since 2009, we have been promoting health, and wellness to the community of Valdez.
Our vision
Inspiring Valdez to live well.
Our mission
The Sound Wellness Alliance Network works collectively to affect real and sustainable change in the health and wellness of the residents of Valdez, Alaska. SWAN partners with the community to raise awareness, educate and deliver programming that is centered around individual and community well-being.
core values
Eat Well
Move More
Live Socially Connected
Stand Mentally Strong
societal sectors
Health Organizations
City of Valdez
Faith Communities
We partner with Providence Valdez Medical Center to get a better understanding of what it is our community needs, straight from the source.
Click the button below to review the statistics and results of our community health assessment.
SWAN's Objectives
Increase access to healthy food by working with local schools, senior center, food bank, restaurants and grocery stores to improve selection
Increase community knowledge of what is healthy food with cooking workshops and educational programs
Encourage locally grown produce from local greenhouses and community garden
Increase access to activity for everyone at every level of fitness by looking at current programs available and working with the community to create new ones to fit the need
Increase the use of local facilities by educating the public on what is available and how they can be used
Increase the awareness of local and group activities by creating a community calendar
Promote community engagement through existing opportunities and create new opportunities as the needs arise
Encourage and advertise opportunities for volunteerism
Work with local businesses to provide educational information they can distribute to their employees
Work with local school systems to encourage school age participation
Create a recognition system that rewards wellness initiatives for those in the workplace, school system and individual levels
Create opportunities for community engagement and social interaction across all sectors